Wach akhirnya beruntung juga, berebutan lewat telepon di pagi hari menghubungi BEI untuk dapet gratisan dari sekian ribu orang yng menghubungi BEI....I Like This...
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Bila menjadi Manager jangan Lupa ini
A manager’s job should be based on a task
to be performed in order to attain the
company’s objectives...the manager should
be directed and controlled by the objectives
of performance rather than by his boss….
Management means, in the last analysis, the
substitution of thought for brawn and
muscle, of knowledge for folklore and
superstition, and of cooperation for force.
Peter Drucker, originator of concept of management
If you’re the boss and your people fight you
openly when they think you’re wrong,
that’s healthy. If your people fight each
other openly in your presence for what they
believe in, that’s healthy. But keep all
conflict eyeball to eyeball.
Robert Townsend (1920-98), CEO and author
Management is more art than science. No
one can say with certainty which decisions
will bring the most profit, any more than
they can create instructions over how to
sculpt a masterpiece. You just have to feel
it as it goes.
Richard D’Aveni, professor
The worst rule of management is ‘If it ain’t
broke, don’t fix it.’ In today’s economy, if
it ain’t broke, you might as well break it
yourself, because it soon will be.
Wayne Calloway, PepsiCo CEO
To manage is to forecast and plan, to
organize, to command, to coordinate and to
Henri Fayol (1841-1925), French industrialist and
management thinker
Your position never gives you the right to
command. It only imposes on you the duty
of living your life that others can receive
your orders without being humiliated.
Dag Hammarskjöld (1905-1961), Secretary General,United Nations
Most ideas on management have been
around for a very long time, and the skill of
the manager consists in knowing them all
and, rather as he might choose the
appropriate golf club for a specific
situation, choosing the particular ideas
which are most appropriate for the position
and time in which he finds himself.
Sir John Harvey-Jones, British CEO
People are the key to success in any
undertaking, including business. The
foremost distinguishing feature of effective
managers seems to be their ability to
recognize talent and to surround themselves
with able colleagues.
Norman Augustine, CEO-author
The best executive is the one who has sense
enough to pick good men to do what he
wants done, and self-restraint enough to
keep from meddling with them while they
do it.
Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), U.S. President
and author of numerous books
Good management consists in showing
average people how to do the work of
superior people.
John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937), mega-industrialist
If you ask managers what they do, they will
most likely tell you that they plan,
organize, coordinate and control. Then
watch what they do. Don’t be surprised if
you can’t relate what you see to those four
Henry Mintzberg, Canadian academic and author
Preventing layoffs is management’s
responsibility. It’s management’s primary
responsibility. In a sense, it’s management’s
only responsibility. Because to prevent
layoffs, you have to do a lot of other things
right. And you’re much more likely to do
them when you’re constantly reminding
yourself that jobs are at stake and that
you’re responsible for the livelihood of real
people who have put their trust in you.
Jack Stack, CEO-author
Managing at any time, but more than ever
today, is a symbolic activity. It involves
energizing people, often large numbers of
people, to do new things they previously
had not thought important. Building a
compelling case — to really deliver a
quality product, to double investment in
research and development, to step out and
take risks each day (for example, make
suggestions about cost-cutting when you are
already afraid of losing your job) — is an
emotional process at least as much as it is a
rational one.
Tom Peters, management guru
The achievement of stability, which is the
manager’s objective, is a never-to-beattained
ideal. He is like a symphony
orchestra conductor, endeavoring to
maintain a melodious performance in which
the contributions of the various instruments
are coordinated and sequenced, patterned
and paced, while the orchestra members are
having various personal difficulties, stage
hands are moving music stands, alternating
excessive heat and cold are creating
audience and instrumental problems, and the
sponsor of the concert is insisting on
irrational changes in the program.
Leonard Sayles, professor
Hire the best.
Pay them fairly.
Communicate frequently.
Provide challenges and rewards.
Believe in them.
Get out of their way —
they’ll knock your socks off.
Mary Ann Allison and Eric Anderson, finance management authors
The key, essential element in all good
business management is emotional attitude.
The rest is mechanics. As I use the term,
management is not a collection of boxes
with names and titles on the organizational
chart. Management is a living force. It is the
force that gets things done to acceptable
standards — high standards, if you will.
You either have it in a company or you
don’t. Management must have a purpose, a
dedication, and that dedication must be an
emotional commitment. It must be built in
as a vital part of the personality of anyone
who truly is a manager.
Harold Geneen (1910-1997), CEO of early global multinational corporations
Only when all managers are fully
committed to needed change can an
organization begin the process of getting
the lower-level employees on board. These
employees will sense any lack of a
manager's conviction by the way the
manager expresses the need for change.
Managers must be sincerely behind the
proposed changes.
Don Harrison, consultant-author
A basic rule for managers is “Pass the pride
down.” People like to create when they can
earn recognition for their ideas. When a
good idea surfaces, the creator’s immediate
superiors should show prompt appreciation.
James L. Hayes, professor
As a leader in your organization, how
important is it for you and your managers
to coach others? Plenty! If coaching is alive
in the organization, then it’s probably doing
things right. If there is little or no coaching
going on, then you are unlikely to find real
teamwork, real ongoing improvement, and
true leadership.
Linda Richardson, consultant-author
Sure, lots of managers talk about the
importance of people, but so much of that
talk is lip service. Very few managers carry
through when it comes to managing their
human capital in constructive ways. A lot of
people think that managers are jerks, and
unfortunately, as a profession, we've earned
that reputation.
John Reh, consultant-author
The extraordinary manager operates on the
emotional and spiritual resources of the
organization, on its values, commitment,
and aspirations.
Warren Bennis, management professor-author
The secret of managing is to keep the five
guys who hate you away from the guys who
are undecided.
Casey Stengel (1890-1975), baseball legend
The sign of a good manager is his ability to
give and take negative feedback.
Richard Pascale, international management
If the role of rewards is to drive
performance, managers should make
performance the only lever for controlling
rewards. That means it is critical to make
very clear to individual contributors exactly
what performance — what results, within
what guidelines, parameters and deadlines
— the organization needs and will therefore
Bruce Tulgan, consultant-author
People don’t quit companies; they quit
managers. When managers talk about
loyalty, what they really mean is that they
can count on someone. People aren’t loyal
to a company, or to the year-end results —
they’re loyal to other people. And they will
be loyal to managers who support their
development, recognize their achievements,
and understand their need to balance work
and personal life. But managers will have to
earn that level of performance and
commitment. Make no mistake, when it
comes to employee retention: the manager
is absolutely pivotal.
Barbara Moses, author-consultant
New Ideas
Feodor Dostoyevsky (1866-1954), Russian novelist
If you can dream it, you can do it.
Walt Disney (1901-1966), movie and theme park pioneer
Keep on the lookout for novel ideas that others have used successfully. Your idea has
to be original only in its adaptation to the problem you’re working on.
Thomas Edison (1847-1931), inventor
There is no prosperity, trade, art, city, or great material wealth of any kind, but if you
trace it home, you will find it rooted in a thought of some individual man.
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), philosopheressayist
If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.
Albert Einstein (1879-1955), scientist with “absurd” ideas
No idea is so antiquated that it was not once modern. No idea is so modern that it will
not someday be antiquated.
Ellen Glasgow (1874-1945), American novelist
The rewards in business go to the man who does something with an idea.
William Benton (1900-1973), publisher and businessman, politician
New ideas come from differences. They come from having different perspectives
and juxtaposing different theories.
Nicholas Negroponte, M.I.T. media guru
The creative person wants to be a know-itall. He wants to know about all kinds of
things: ancient history, nineteenth-centurymathematics, current manufacturing
techniques, flower arranging, and hog futures. Because he never knows when these
ideas might come together to form a new idea. It may happen six minutes later or six
months or six years down the road. But he has faith that it will happen.
Carl Ally, founder ad agency
To stay ahead, you must have your next idea waiting in the wings.
Rosabeth Moss Kanter, management guru
The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas.
Linus Pauling (1901-94), scientist
Invention is the process by which a new idea is discovered or created. In contrast,
innovation occurs when a new idea is adopted.
Everett Rogers, author
Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon
you have a dozen.
John Steinbeck (1902-68), novelist
The man with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds.
Mark Twain (1835-1910), literary crank
Every time you meet somebody, you’re looking for a better and newer and bigger
idea. You are open to ideas from anywhere.
Jack Welch, executive-author
An idea is salvation by imagination.
Frank Lloyd Wright (1869-1959), architect
A great idea is usually original to more than one discoverer. Great ideas come when the
world needs them. Great ideas surround the world’s ignorance and press for admission.
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, novelist
Daring ideas are like chessmen moved forward. They may be beaten, but they may
start a winning game.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), German poet-dramatist
Try this for a week: Each morning, spring out of bed at the first hint of light and focus
first on the new and wondrous things that are just waiting to reveal themselves that
day. Let curiosity well up inside of you. Let your mind open up to new ideas. Forget
that you already know everything.
Donna Kinni, author
Ideas are a capital that bears interest only in the hands of talent.
Antoine de Rivarol (1753-1801), French journalist
I’d climb into the car as it went down the assembly line and introduce myself. Then
I’d ask for ideas.
John Risk, Ford manager explaining where all the
new ideas came from that became the Taurus
When it comes to organizational imagination, everyone is a point of light,
inwardly afire with excellent ideas for making our companies work smarter, faster,
leaner, and better. But as business leaders, we too seldom tap into our most valuable
resource — the brain trust of our employees — to discover new pathways of progress
and profits.
Charles Decker, pioneer publisher
If you do not express your own original ideas, if you do not listen to your own
being, you will have betrayed yourself.Also, you will have betrayed your
community in failing to make your contribution.
Rollo May (1909-1994), psychoanalyst
The power of an idea can be measured by the degree of resistance it attracts.
David Yoho, consultant-speaker
Brainpower is now the greatest commodity we can contribute to the world. Democracy
was never intended to be a breeding place for mediocrity. We must engage in the
business of stimulating brainpower lest we fail in producing leaders of consequence. In
a period of speed, space and hemispheric spasms we dare not treat new thoughts as if
they were unwelcome relatives.
Dean F. Berkley, education professor
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Naik Tangga
Wach senin depan tanggal 4 Feb, ada wawancara, yakin and optimis lulus, karena jargon tahun ini Tahun KEBERUNTUNGAN he he he , ayooo kamu bisa wan....Persiapan bertemu Kesempatan= Kesuksesan
Monday, January 28, 2008
Yang menangis lupakanlah aku
Senja dihati
Seperti mata dewa.....
Seperti mata dewa....
( Iwan fals)
Beruntungnya Tuch Dapet Door Prize
Sebuah HP sony Ericson W 200i seeep dach
The Secret Mulai Bekerja

Beli atau hanya bergaya ajaa??
Tanah Lot beautiful view
Brantakan abis pesta malam minggu
Bergaya dulu sebelum brangkat ke Jimbaran
Sempet mejeng dululah bersama pak tata kaum muda jadul
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Blue Star
Keinginanmu akan melahirkan masalah yang seukuran dengan keingininanmu
Tidak ada hal buruk yang bisa menjadi kebaikan
Bila engkau memimpikan sebuah pekerjaan yang jujur dengan janjinya, berlakulah jujur di dalam pekerjaanmu.
From MT
Heart To Heart
- KIta tidak mungkin menjadi damai dengan menyalahkan orang lain dan sikap demikian itu timbul karena kurangnya ketelitian berpikir. Memang tidak semua kesalahan itu merupakan kesalahan kita. Orang terdekat seperti suami / istrilah paling sering disalahkan. Sikap menyalahkan orang lain itu tidak baik karena berarti tidak melihat keharusan untuk memperbaiki diri sendiri.
- Bagaimana menghadapi orang yang tidak mau memaafkan padahal kita sudah minta maaf ? Orang yang tidak memaafkan tidak lebih penting daripada kesediaan kita untuk menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik.
- Bagaimana menghadapi orang yang mengungkit-ungkit kesalahan masa lalu kita ? Katakan : Terima kasih, saya tidak bangga dengan kesalahan yang telah saya lakukan di masa lalu, tetapi itu telah membuat saya menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik . Apakah Anda menjadi kurang menyayangi saya karenanya ?
- Bagaimana mengatasi ketidak beranian dalam melangkah ? Keberanian dalam bertindak bersumber dari kesediaan untuk bertanggung jawab. Ambil tanggung jawab dan melangkahlah.
- Ada kecederungan saya untuk menyalahkan bawahan / orang lain, bagaimana mengatasinya ? Menyalahkan orang lain itu perilaku buruk. Salahkan diri sendiri dan bila kita tahu caranya bisa lucu sekali. Tugas pertama kita adalah mengenal diri kita sendiri dengan baik ; bersalaman dengan diri sendiri dengan hangat dan katakan : how are you doing ? I love you man, lalu segera berkerja dengan baik.
- Bagaimana melihat ayah yang sakit tetapi selalu menyalahkan ibu ? Saat kita melihat orang sakit yang berburuk sikap, maka kita perlu mengasihani dia, mendoakan dia. Bayangkan bila kita sendiri harus alami seperti itu. Seringkali sakit hati yang terdalam karena perbuatan orang yang paling kita kasihi.
- Terhadap kejadian buruk yang ada disekitar kita, perlukah kita menyalahkan orang lain ? Ambil tanggung jawab walau itu kesalahan orang lain. Pemimpin yang baik akan menjadikan apapun yang tadinya buruk disekitarnya menjadi baik.
- Bagaimana menghadapi isteri yang memberangkatkan suami ke kantor dengan marah, belum sarapan dan bahkan belum bangun dari tidurnya ? Dibutuhkan suami yang tegas untuk menghadapi itu dan tetap perlu bersabar.
- Bagaimana menghadapi ibu mertua yang kasar padahal tinggal serumah dengan mertua ? Waktu hati terasa sakit tetapi tetap dapat bersikap baik, Tuhan sudah menyiapkan jawaban. Dalam sakit hati yang dirasakan tetaplah berdoa. Katakan pada diri sendiri, akau bersikap baik sebagai pelayanan kepada Tuhan. Jangan lapor pada suami. Doakan suami perkerjaannya berhasil agar dapat segera punya rumah sendiri.
- Bagaimana menghadapi atasan yang menahan bawahannya ? Atasan adalah wakil Tuhan untuk menjadikan kita seorang pemimpin yang baik. Tidak ada kejadian apapun didunia ini yang tanpa campur tangan / ijin Tuhan. Perlu kita mampu melihat dan mengerti saat ide ditolak, sesungguhnya orangnya yang ditolak.
- Bagaimana meredam amarah yang datang dengan tiba-tiba? Hati ada dindingnya, kalau dinding hatimu tipis, ada masalah akan mudah sekali menjadi marah, tetapi bila dinding hatimu tebal akan mudah menahan diri, akan mampu marah dengan anggun dan bahkan mampu memberikan nasehat yang memuliakan .
- Orang yang mampu bersabar dan bersyukur walau direndahkan oleh atasan, dia tidak menjadi lemah melainkan dia akan menghebatkan dirinya menjadikan dirinya pribadi yang kuat. Setelah menjadi hebat maka ganti atasannya yang menahan agar dia tidak keluar.
- Sikap menyalahkan diri sendiri karena lingkungan yang berantakan, ini merupakan sikap pemimpin yang mengambil tanggung jawab pribadi. Pemimpin akan mempermudah orang yang berlaku baik dan mempersulit orang yang akan berlaku buruk.
- Prinsip; jangan ditawar , pertahankan sampai titik darah penghabisan, tetapi pengertian kita tentang prinsip itu sering salah . Kalau benar, bersikap apapun akan benar. Hati-hati dengan kekerasan dalam kekakuan, yang baik melihat yang lebih luas dan dari sudut pandang yang lebih tinggi.
- Apapun yang terjadi dalam lingkungan kita perlu menjadi pelajaran bagi kita. Ilmu datang kepada kita melalui 2 cara : diturunkan dan diamati. Kita perlu mempelajari kehidupan bukan hanya melalui Kitab Suci melainkan juga melalui alam semesta dan perilaku manusia yang ada disekitar kita. Kita bukannya menyalahkan melainkan mengamati, membaca dan mengambil pelajaran dari itu semua.
- Cara kita menyikapi kesalahan orang lain tergantung dari ukuran kita. Orang yang ukurannya besar tidak akan terpengaruh oleh kesalahan orang lain.
- Bagaimana sikap kita saat dimanfaatkan oleh orang yang berbuat negatif ? Jangan bergaul di lingkungan yang buruk. Salahkan dirimu sendiri bila dimanfaatkan oleh lingkungan yang buruk.
- Menghadapi atasan yang bersikap buruk; semua itu menjadi urusan yang kecil bila kita tinggalkan. Kita fokuskan berbakti pada atasan yang lebih tinggi ( pemilik perusahaan ). Terimalah atasan yang buruk itu sebagai ujian bagi kita.
- Sikap menyalahkan orang lain mudah dilakukan karena akan selalu ada yang bisa disalahkan. Keberuntungan kita menjadi kambing hitam yang terbesar. Kita bisa saja kecewa tetapi saat menyalahkan orang lain kita tidak memperbaiki diri sendiri. Maka jadilah berani dan tegas mengambil tanggung jawab pribadi, maka kita akan bisa menjadi pribadi sebagaimana Tuhan menghendaki kita menjadi.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Stand By Me
Ke mana kita pergi tidak lebih penting daripada dengan siapa kita pergi.
Berdirilah bersamaku, karena aku sedang menjadikan diriku – pribadi yang pantas bagi yang aku inginkan.
Walau pun engkau telah sampai di pintu pagar rumah masa depanmu, masih tetap ada kemungkinan engkau tidak akan diijinkan memasukinya-bila engkau tidak tampil sebagai pribadi yang pantas memasukinya.
Janganlah engkau meniru mereka yang marah dan yang gundah dalam pertanyaan mereka – mengenai mengapa masa depan yang baik itu sulit mereka capai. Padahal, mereka lalai membangun kualitas pribadi yang pantas bagi keinginan-keinginan mereka.
Bagaimana mungkin mereka mencapai sesuatu yang baik di masa depan, bila masa kini mereka tidak menunjukkan keterhubungan yang nyata ke masa depan?
Seandainya saja – mereka mengetahui bahwa kualitas masa depan mereka ditentukan oleh kualitas cara-cara mereka hari ini.
Tetapi, aku sedang memantaskan diriku bagi masa depanku. Dan engkau pun seharusnya demikian.
Maka, berdirilah bersamaku.
Di kutip dari pointer : Stand By Me
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Ada rasa yang tak terasa olehku, ada sesuatu yang sepertinya akan terjadi, aku merasakan akan banyak berkelimpahan dalam perjalananku kedepannya, semuanya adalah Rahmat Illahi yang tak henti hentinya diturunkan kepada semua mahkluknya tanpa memilih